关于富布莱特项目专家德克萨斯理工大学(Texas Tech University)Sam Dragg

时间:2018-06-14 00:00:00 点击:

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本期主题:Mapping Ethics: A Review of Theories of Ethics for Intercultural Communicators

时间:2018年6月15日星期五 16:00-17:30


主讲人:Professor Sam Dragga (Texas Tech University)

关于富布莱特项目专家德克萨斯理工大学(Texas Tech University)Sam Dragg 


主讲人简介:Sam Dragga is Editor-in-Chief of Technical Communication, the quarterly research journal of the Society for Technical Communication. He is a retired professor of Technical Communication in the Department of English at Texas Tech University and served as department chair from 2002 to 2012. He is a past president of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (1997-1999) and initiated ATTW’s annual convention in 1998. He is co-author of Essentials of Technical Communication (Oxford University Press, 2010, 2012, 2015); A Writer's Repertoire 1, 2, and 3 (Cengage Learning, 2010); Reporting Technical Information (Oxford University Press, 2006); and Editing: The Design of Rhetoric (Baywood, 1989). He served as series editor of the Allyn & Bacon Series in Technical Communication (19 titles) and has published a score of journal articles on professional ethics and intercultural communication. Dr. Dragga is a Fellow of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing and a recipient of the Society for Technical Communication’s Jay R. Gould Award for Excellence in Teaching Technical Communication and the National Council of Teachers of English Award for Best Book in Technical and Scientific Communication.


讲座摘要:This presentation will offer a historical review of the major theories of ethics (that is, the study of perceptions and principles of right and wrong in human conduct), from the early emphasis on developing a good character by ancient philosophers such as Confucius, Plato, and Aristotle to the later focus on exercising good behavior by philosophers Immanuel Kant, Jeremy Bentham, and John Stuart Mill.  The presentation will then progress to the several key developments in theories of ethics by prominent philosophers of modern times such as Henri Bergson and Martin Buber as well as by psychologists Lawrence Kohlberg and Carol Gilligan. This review of theories will be neither comprehensive not exhaustive, but aims to be representative of the direction and diversity of thinking on this subject.  The presentation will conclude by exploring the implications for intercultural communicators, especially the importance of familiarity with the diversity of ethical perspectives in the age of worldwide digital interactions.


[作者:外国语学院 来源:外国语学院 ]